Monday, September 26, 2011

STAGE DOOR - technological explanation

The usage of technology varied in many ways through each of these plays and are shown through the excerpts. There was the handling of light, the camera view, the background (storyboard), costumes and stage decorations that created the technological aspect of these plays. The light during the excerpt of Fiddler On The Roof was focused on the floor of the stage. It gave the essence that it was actually a snowy day and that the actors and actresses were actually playing outside in the snow. The lighting helps tell the story throughout the plays. During the excerpt in So In Love, they lovers are separated by a wall which creates an image that they are in completely different areas, however they are on the same stage, but it allows the audience to visualize the scene as if it is in two different places. In the excerpt So Long Farewell, there was a stairwell in the back far right of the stage. It is able to create the scene of being in the main room of the house. In the Dancers Life, the lights are used to effectively create the shadows of the dancing actors and actresses.

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