Monday, October 17, 2011



  1. i liked this flipbook animation, it was very simple and the first thing i thought of when i saw it was that its trippy because of the way the words were moving from right to left and at the same time different colors were added to the corner of the page.

    -Hessa Al Rumaihi

  2. good use of color and i liked the simplicity of it

    -Roy Kupferberg

  3. Very simple and eloquent. I can tell that there is meaning behind the saying “Come what may”

  4. I do like the quote, "come what may" that was used. When a quote like this is provided without too much of a context, it can be really powerful, as it gets you to think of all of the different meanings of the phrase.

  5. I liked the simplicity of your flip book and how you used markers so everything was bright and colorful.

    Emily De Lorme

  6. the simplicity made it cute and like a children's book which I liked. Any child would be zoned into the color and movement and that's when I first saw my flip book. good job :)

  7. Nice movement on the star. great animation and also great use of colors. the words going from one side tot he other was a great idea. nicely done!

  8. To be honest I think you could have done a lot more with it, What did happen was good but just a little push and a longer project could have made it great. The work with text was intriguing.
